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Rainforest Café

Anaheim - Daroff Design

To facilitate a cost effective international expansion program, the management team of Rainforest Café, “an environmentally conscious family adventure” selected DDI to develop further the original Rainforest Cafe concept, refine and standardize production and installation details, and investigate worldwide sources to improve the reliability and quality control of the original theme. The Rainforest mission statement incorporates the “Five E’s; Entertainment, Education, Environment, Employees and Earnings.”

DDI also provided comprehensive Architect of Record and interior design services for Disney’s Anaheim “iconic” Rainforest Cafe which marks the 14th Rainforest Café designed by the DDI team.

Guests experience this tropical rainforest environment complete with live and faux trees, rockwork, foliage, waterfalls, rainfall, mist, lightning and thunder and additional coral reef live tropical fish aquarium displays. At the heart of the temple ruin is a multi-story interior atrium filled with tropical foliage and the sounds and smells of the rainforest jungle with a thundering two-story waterfall. Animatronic monkeys, gorillas and elephants located throughout the restaurant delight and entertain guests. The immersive experience is heightened by special sound and lighting effects typical of a rainforest environment. Animal sounds, Brazilian jungle music, a thunder and lighting show every twenty minutes, and lightly scented mist permeating the air enhance and authenticate the adventure.