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Lights of Liberty

The Lights of Liberty 360° 3D Show in the PECO Theater takes visitors on a patriotic adventure led by Benjamin Franklin. From the bald eagle to the Statue of Liberty, guests discover the stories behind some of America’s most beloved symbols of freedom. The 15-minute film surrounds the audience in the customized wrap-around PECO Theater.

DDI was retained by the Lights of Liberty public sector group to design the venue within a historically certified former branch bank building, where this 3D show is presented to guests. After the film, guests are escorted throughout the Historic Neighborhood of Philadelphia by guides dressed in colonial costume.

The Historic Philadelphia Center, designed by DDI, is the focal point of Independence Mall, as visitors are drawn to the building with a glimpse of the technology that awaits them inside. The Historic Philadelphia Center is the headquarters for all of Historic Philadelphia programs including the box office, providing tickets for Once Upon A Nation tours, Liberty 360 and the new Lights of Liberty Show, as well as the nearby Betsy Ross House and Franklin Square. The Center also serves as the departure point for all Once Upon A Nation tours, provides guest services such as restrooms, and offers expanded retail operations.