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3 Logan

As the long-standing relationship with Comcast continues, DDI was appointed interior designer and architect for the renovation of three non-consecutive 18,000 square foot floors at Comcast Corporation’s third location in Philadelphia. With the overall design aesthetic derivative of the original Comcast tower, 3 Logan’s concept included a series of flex spaces and collaborative work areas, as well as new systems benching workstations. Floor amenities include a pantry area with seating space, a mothers’ room suite, a tech bar, a quiet room, and a series of telephone rooms to allow for privacy phone calls. Per Comcast designation and with flexibility being the guiding planning goal of this project, every employee should have an additional available seat elsewhere in the workspace from their assigned desk; essentially a 1:1 ratio.

The design aesthetic includes wood ceilings in the new elevator lobby and pantry areas, pops of color in the collaborative areas, glass fronts to the flex rooms and offices, cove lighting, felt screens to create privacy, and floating ceiling panels to identify circulation paths. The work was completed on a fast track in three phases with a total project timeline of six months.

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